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the ultimate tailer

  • Free software: BSD license


pip install tailchaser



$ tailchaser /wher/my/logs/*.log

$ tailchaser -h

usage: tailer [options] source_pattern

the ultimate tail chaser

positional arguments:
source_pattern source pattern is the glob path to a file to be tailed
plus its rotated versions
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbose prints a lot crap, default is: False
--dryrun prints a lot crap and no hand-off, default is: False
 don’t backfill with rolled logs, default is: False
--dont_follow don’t follow when you reach the end of the file exit, default is: False
 clears the checkpoint and lets you start from the begining, default:False
--read_period READ_PERIOD
 time given to read, default: 1.0
--read_pause READ_PAUSE
 time to pause between reads, default: 0

To use tailchaser in a project:

# Example 1 - Tail to Elastic

import requests

import tailchaser

class TailToElastic(tailchaser.Tailer):
    def handoff(self, file_tailed, checkpoint, record):
        """ Expect a record like:

        20160204 10:28:15,525 INFO PropertiesLoaderSupport - Loading properties file from URL [file:C:/WaterWorks/Broken/BSE//config/lme-market.properties]
        20160204 10:28:15,541 INFO PropertiesLoaderSupport - Loading properties file from URL [file:C:/WaterWorks/Broken/BSE//config/default-database.properties]
        20160204 10:28:15,541 INFO PropertiesLoaderSupport - Loading properties file from URL [file:C:/WaterWorks/Broken/BSE//config/default-hibernate.properties]

        date, time, level, source, _, message = record.split(5)
        requests.json("http://someelacticserver.com:9200/myindex/log", json={
                        'timestamp': '{}T{}'.format(date, time)
                        'level': level,
                        'source': source,
                        'message': message

# Example 2 - Tail to Kafka - shows how to add your own arguments and then send messahes to kafka.

import msgpack
import tailchaser
from kafka import KafkaProducer

class TailToKafka(tailchaser.Tailer):
    def add_arguments(cls, parser=None):
        parser = super(TailToKafka, cls).add_arguments(parser)

    HOSTS = 'localhost:1234'
    TOPIC = 'log'
    def startup(self):
        self.kafka_producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=self.HOSTS,value_serializer=msgpack.dumps)

    def handoff(self, file_tailed, checkpoint, record):
        """ Expect a record like:

        20160204 10:28:15,525 INFO PropertiesLoaderSupport - Loading properties file from URL [file:C:/WaterWorks/Broken/BSE//config/lme-market.properties]
        20160204 10:28:15,541 INFO PropertiesLoaderSupport - Loading properties file from URL [file:C:/WaterWorks/Broken/BSE//config/default-database.properties]
        20160204 10:28:15,541 INFO PropertiesLoaderSupport - Loading properties file from URL [file:C:/WaterWorks/Broken/BSE//config/default-hibernate.properties]
        self.kafka_producer.send(self.TOPIC, message)


To run the all tests run:


Note, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:

set PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append
PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox